English in Berlin. Exclusions in a Cosmopolitan Society
In Kreuzberg cafés or Neukölln vintage shops, cosmopolitan Berlin speaks English as a matter of course. But how did the English language take hold in these places? Who speaks English in Berlin and who is excluded in doing so? Isn't it just a short while ago that groups who conversed in a language other than German were stigmatised as parallel societies by the German media? Political geographer சிந்துஜன் வரதராஜா (Sinthujan Varatharajah) and artist مشترى هلالال (Moshtari Hilal) explore these questions in an Instagram Live conversation, available in this volume in an extended version in German and English translation. They uncover the underlying double standards and capital interests of the German mainstream society, trace the links with gentrification and asylum policy, and search for forms of equitable cultural work.