Zine No.28 in the Hato Press Zine Series: The Processss by Lars Brønseth
Since the first meeting between Hjelm and Bronseth on a Go See 10 years ago, the two have helped each other out in various projects. Their relationship draws upon a yearn for authenticity and performance at the same time. What starts as a real situation ends up in a performative one, and later the opposite, rendering Carl and Lars unable to tell where they started.
The Processss is a visual diary of Norwegian photographer Lars Bronseth's life over a 6 month period. It documents everyday living with his friend Carl in a small apartment in Stockholm, with them both trying to navigate the world as newly singles in the Covid-era.
Throughout the period, they shared home and created an imaginary world culiminating in an extensive tattoo collection, Hjelm’s new persona ‘Cry Laugh Emoji’ and 200 drawings of a duck getting a ball in the head.
Lars Bronseth is a Norwegian photographer based in Milan. Brønseth’s subjects are captured with high energy and great warmth. His work spans from portraits, still life and arranged situations.
Carl Hjelm is often appearing in Lars work. He is a multidisciplinary artist utilising music, comedy and fashion.